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Better Health Through Manipulation

Better Health Through Manipulation

Do you suffer from aches and pains? Does this prevent you from doing the things you love? Are you searching for a solution that does not have to do with surgery or medication?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone!

Here at HealthWorks Clinic, we help residents across Central Scotland improve their health and feel better.

Some benefits of regular care are:

Improved Sleep & Mental Health

Our stressful lives are causing a rise in insomnia, mood disorders and disordered thinking by disrupting normal brain function and chemistry. Insufficient sleep has been linked to change in mood, weight gain, poor cardiovascular health, memory loss, impaired learning ability, and some chronic diseases.

Regular musculoskeletal therapy has been proven to reduce stress and pain, allowing us to sleep better and improving mental health.

Pain Relief

Strenuous activities take a toll on us all at some point, no matter what age, gender, or status. In addition, postural strain is now more common due to many of today’s jobs involving sitting for long periods of time at computers. This can cause muscle aches, headaches, and back pain.  Both physical and mental stress reduces when you look after your health by eating properly, moving more, and sleeping better.

Increased Energy

By aiding nerve function, blood flow, joint mobility, and aiding mental wellbeing, is it any wonder that spinal manipulative therapy increases your energy levels? It does this by freeing the nerves so that they can function efficiently and reduce tension on the spine and surrounding muscles.

Improved Posture

Spinal manipulation in conjunction with soft tissue techniques and targeted exercises helps to improve posture, reduces injury and relieves strain. Again, with our modern lifestyle of sitting in front of computers for prolonged periods, many people develop aches and pains. As a result of their poor posture, they can develop unhealthy curvature of their spines leading to muscle strain and injury.

In Conclusion, spinal manipulative therapy along with massage and small lifestyle changes, can significantly improve your health and wellbeing.

If you would like to discuss how we can help or have any questions, please get in touch.

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